A Verb can be any member of a class of words that function as the main elements of predicates, that typically express action, state, or a relation between two things, and that may be inflected for tense, aspect, voice, mood, and to show agreement with their subject or object.
Grammer Point:
The key word in most sentences, the word that reveals what is happening, is the verb. It can declare something (You ran), ask a question (Did you run?), convey a command (Run faster!), or express a wish (May this good weather last!) or a possibility (If you had run well, you might have won; if you run better tomorrow, you may win). You cannot have a complete English sentence without at least one verb.
travel-to go from one place to another
journey-to make a journey; travel
view-to see; watch
rotated-to cause to turn around an axis or center point; revolve
explored-to traverse or range over (a region, area, etc.) for the purpose of discovery
celebrated-to observe (a day) or commemorate (an event) with ceremonies or festivities
accompanied-to go along or in company with; join in action
Vocabulary Activity:
Draw a line and connect the correct definition to each of the following vocabulary words.
celebrated- to go from one place to another
to make a journey; travel
to see; watch
to cause to turn around an axis or center point; revolve
to traverse or range over (a region, area, etc.) for the purpose of discovery
to observe (a day) or commemorate (an event) with ceremonies or festivities
to go along or in company with; join in action
I really liked your grammar point. I thought it was great that you gave an example for each type of sentence that you mentioned. I also thought your vocabulary activity was fun. I can recall doing those types of activities very fondly when I was in elementary school. My absolute favorite part of this entry was reading about how you landed on an iceberg (from a helicopter) and then went dog sledding! I bet that you will never forget that experience because of how unique and exciting it must have been.