Monday, November 14, 2016


This year will be the first year I attend a Friendsgiving.  The idea of friendsgiving is to get together during thanksgiving time and have a dinner with all of your friends.  Each friend is required to bring a dish and together this makes a delicious meal that everyone can enjoy.  At friends-giving, the host usually cuts the Turkey and everyone gathers around the table to feast on the pot luck dinner.  There are games that can be played and laughs to be shared.  Although I love my family, I spend a lot of time with friends.  I consider my friends to be my second family.  This time of year always brings people together and lifts everyone's spirits. I always realize the most important things are the people around you.  I am thankful for all of the people in my life and I am looking forward to spending time with them throughout the holiday season. Let the feast begin!Image result for friendsgiving

Friendsgiving-potluck dinner with friends during Thanksgiving time.
required(verb)-to have need of; need
host(noun)-a person who receives or entertains guests at home or elsewhere
gather(verb)-to bring together into one group, collection, or place
potluck(noun)-food or a meal that happens to be available without special preparation or purchase
consider(verb)-to think carefully about, especially in order to make a decision
thankful(adjective)-feeling or expressing gratitude

Find the vocabulary words in the word search below.


H P D P O J Y Q C E S H E R K 
Q N O E Z Q V R V L R O K E W 
U K D F P O T L U C K S O D D 
A O O I E A M R G A I T L I X 
J G Z G O E Z X X U S U Q S K 
F N A A E M Q R E H F N T N C 
X Z I U L E S D F K N Y Z O K 
G N I V I G S D N E I R F C A 
H A O B G L W A E Z E R E E O 
F X T D E W H S X R S X R V R 
H C Y H L T Z E L Y I P D N G 
I M I M E Y T F C M D U H J P 
S E W N S R C T I C X T Q E I 
Y P B Q N W Q C A W H K H E T 
U P Y E P F H V Y N G J B E R 


Grammar Point
Prepositions are the words that indicate location. Usually, prepositions show this location in the physical world.
          At midnight, Jill craved mashed potatoes with grape jelly.
In the spring, I always vow to plant tomatoes but end up buying them at the supermarket.
During the marathon, Iggy's legs complained with sharp pains shooting up his thighs.
At midnightin the spring, and during the marathon all show location in time.

Write 3 sentences using prepositions.

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